Free Tests

The Enneagram Personality Profile

Individuals seek counselling are required to take a free online Enneagram personality test (classical enneagram test). The objective of the test is to identify the possible personality issues that you may be facing in relationship difficulties.

Attachment Styles Test

In the first 5 years of our life, we develop an attachment to our primary caregivers that tends to remain constant. This attachment style has a profound effect not only on our emotional development, but also upon the health of our relationships. Based on John Bowlby‘s theory, the 4 attachment styles are Secure, Anxious/Ambivalent, Avoidant/Dismissive-Avoidant, Disorganized/Fearful-Avoidant. People with insecure attachment styles might have to put some intentional effort into resolving their attachment issues, in order to become securely attached.

Find out your attachment style and how it affects your relationships by taking this test developed by Dr. Diane Poole Heller.

The 5 Love Languages Profile

The free 5 Love Languages® profile by Dr Gary Chapman will give you a thorough analysis of your emotional communication preference. It will single out your primary love language, what it means, and how you can use it to connect with your loved one with intimacy and fulfillment.

The Six Human Needs Test

The Six Human Needs are adapted by Tony Robbins from Maslow’s theory and teachings into one of the greatest tools in existence for life transformation.

Cloé Madanes created an extremely valuable questionnaire, The Six Human Needs Test, that is simple to use and will give you information on the order of importance of your needs.

The Six Human Needs are:

1. Certainty: assurance you can avoid pain and gain pleasure
2. Uncertainty/Variety: the need for the unknown, change, new stimuli
3. Significance: feeling unique, important, special or needed
4. Connection/Love: a strong feeling of closeness or union with someone or something
5. Growth: an expansion of capacity, capability or understanding
6. Contribution: a sense of service and focus on helping, giving to and supporting others

Relationship Trust Quiz

Research suggests that trust is an essential ingredient to a healthy relationship, but we all know how hard it can be to sustain.

This quiz measures how trusting you are. It is based on a “trust scale” developed by psychologists at the University of Waterloo in Canada. When you’re done, you’ll learn how trusting you are and find resources for fostering more trust in your relationship.

Demon Dialogues in Love Relationship

There are 3 devastating Demon Dialogues that can sweep in and take over your relationship. All of them leave you and your partner triggered, overwhelmed, and alone. Both of you go to the place where the other person seems like the enemy. This test help you identified your unproductive communication pattern.

The Sound Relationship House Questionnaires

One of the most significant theories created by Dr. John Gottman is the Sound Relationship House (SRH).  The 7 levels of SRH are:

  1. Build Love Maps
  2. Share Fondness and Admiration
  3. Turn Towards Instead of Away
  4. The Positive Perspective
  5. Manage Conflict
  6. Make Life Dreams Come True
  7. Create Shared Meaning

The two walls holding up the house are trust and commitment, which are essential to all relationships. The Sound Relationship House Questionnaire is a good assessment tool that can be used by therapist to determine the strengths or challenges of a relationship and provide useful direction for effective treatment.

How Well Do You Repair Your Relationship

All couples argue. Successful couples repair. Relationship conflicts give couples opportunity to understand each other better over time. Sometimes these conflicts can get heated, however, and partners can say things they don’t mean. Dr. John Gottman describes a repair attempt as “any statement or action — silly or otherwise — that prevents negativity from escalating out of control.”

How well do you and your partner make and receive repair attempts in your relationship? Take the free test to find out.

Is It Time to Leave Your Relationship?

The idea that the love in your relationship has expired is a difficult thought for one to stomach. When love turns into hate and fondness into bitterness, and when negative sentiment override seems to be dominating your interactions, it’s likely a good time to question whether or not it’s worth staying in a relationship that simply may not be making you (or your partner) happy.

Take this free test to get a sense of whether you should stay or move on.

If you and your partner both feel like your relationship can be salvaged with the right help, go here to make an appointment.