
Benefits of Long-Term Meditation

Meditation practices can lead to permanent changes in awareness of the self and the transcendence of the ego. Shinzen Young is an American mindfulness teacher and neuroscience research consultant. According to Yong, the benefits of mindfulness meditation are as follows:

  • Increased appreciation of life
  • Reduced suffering
  • Elevated performance levels
  • Effects on health
  • Improved interpersonal relationships at work and at home
  • Catalyzing inner growth


Strategies to Overcome Barrier of Meditation

Knowing the benefits of meditation alone is not enough. Most of us find it is extremely hard to persevere on meditation, and usually give up along the way. Casper Oelofsen found that by understanding what is blocking each Enneagram type from doing the meditation, it allows you to accept the barriers and takes you to a realization that you can do it. He offers specific strategies to overcome the hurdles for each Enneagram type when practicing mindfulness meditation.

Meditation Practice For Each Enneagram Type

According to Dr David Daniels, the Basic Breath Practice for all types form the basis for growth and development. In addition to the basic breath practice, Dr David Daniels also developed specific guided meditation for each Enneagram type with “Additional Key Themes for Reflection” and “Short Reflections for Reclaiming the Essential Quality”.

Guided Meditation for Type 1

Guided Meditation for Type 2

Guided Meditation for Type 3

Guided Meditation for Type 4

Guided Meditation for Type 5

Guided Meditation for Type 6

Guided Meditation for Type 7

Guided Meditation for Type 8

Guided Meditation for Type 9


Developing Self-Compassion

Clinical psychologist and meditation teacher Tara Brach offers a traditional loving kindness meditation with a neurologically-based relaxation technique known as “smiling yoga.” A profound transformation can occur just by training your attention in awareness to decrease stress, cultivate inner calm, and expand wisdom and creativity.

This meditation guides us in bringing the mindfulness and self-compassion of RAIN (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture) to a challenging part of our life, and particularly, to places of self-judgment or feelings of failure.


Guided Mindfulness Meditation

This is a great 5 minute guided mindfulness meditation to use when you are short on time, but still want to get into a mindful state of mind.

In this guided mindfulness meditation, you can learn to be completely present in the moment, letting go of your thoughts, achieving calmness, restore and re-connect with the present.


Guided Meditation for Healing Trauma

This guided meditation helps to remove stress and replace it with a dose of inner peace. It’s one of the best tools to balance our emotions, deal with physical and psychological distress, and promote the peace of the present moment.


Guided Meditation for Addiction Recovery

This guided meditation is for overcoming addiction & cravings: Healing & Coping with Substance, Gambling, Alcohol, Drugs & Depression. Use the power of mindfulness meditation and mind over matter to overcome your addictions & cravings. 


Heart Coherence Guided Meditation

The purpose of this technique is to bring more awareness to how you’re feeling in your body and also emotionally to allow your brain and your thoughts to come back into coherence. This technique will allow you to overcome the fight or flight response and transfer control back to your parasympathetic nervous system, returning your mind, heart, and body to a state of calm and peace.


Guided Sleep Meditation

Let this high quality guided sleep meditation quickly take you into levels of ultra-deep relaxation and sleep.